باقات العلاج بالأكسجين عالي الضغط

About باقات العلاج بالأكسجين عالي الضغط

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a form of treatment in which a patient breathes 100% oxygen at pressure greater than 1 atmospheric pressure (ATA). In an HBOT chamber, the air pressure is three times higher than the normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. The oxygen is then carried through your blood around your body which stimulates the release of substance called growth factors and stem cells which boost the body’s ability to heal. The aim of the treatment is to increase the O2 level dissolved in the plasma up to 15 times the normal amounts, which helps in treatment of many diseases such as:
  • Diabetic wounds
  • After radiation therapy
  • Hearing & vision loss
  • Plastic Surgery Recovery
  • Non healing ulcers
  • Traumatic wounds
  • Bone infections
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning and many other diseases
  • Bed sores, Burn
  • Sport injuries
  • Stroke
Our chamber is a single-person HBOT one, which means the patient can expect more privacy, quicker treatments, and more comfort.


  • One (1) session of HBOT Total 1,346 AED
  • Five (5) sessions of HBOT Total 5,500 AED
  • Ten (10) sessions of HBOT Total 8,000 AED

Our team of highly qualified and experienced physicians drawn from across the world.

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