Dr.Habib Sammouh
Consultant Pediatrics
Graduated from Damascus university (one of top 10 students), moved from the Children Hospital (the referral center for rare and complicated cases) in Syria to France – Lyon – Claud Bernard University to have more experience in eminent Hospitals (Edouard Herriot and Lyon – Sud) and to get a certificate of Prenatal Medicine.
After working in a private hospital in Syria, Dr. Habib moved to KSA, King Fahd Hospital – Al Hufof to work in PICU for 6 years as consultant PICU then HOD of PICU getting more experience in critical cases.
Then in Dubai more than 10 years, he is working keen to provide excellent service as Pediatrics Consultant, HOD, chairperson to organize national and international General Pediatrics conferences, taking care for teaching residents in private hospital and examiner of medical students in Al Sharjah University.
- General Medicine certificate (One of top 10) from Damascus University 1987
- High studies in Pediatrics certificate/ Damascus university 1990
- Arab Board in Pediatrics 1991
- Certificate of Fetal and Prenatal medicine/ Claud Bernard University Lyon France 1993
- Previous HOD of PICU in KSA
- High experience in PICU
- General pediatrics
- growth and development and developmental disorders
- Immunization and prophylaxis
- respiratory disorders, infections and allergy