Beat the Pain of Ageing Joints! 10 Tips to a Healthier more Active You!

As we grow in age it is expected for our body to lower some of its functions leading to increased risk of illness As many people experience body pains we want to take a look into the aging process of our bons amp joints and what can we do to

Beat the Pain of Ageing Joints! 10 Tips to a Healthier more Active You!

As we grow in age, it is expected for our body to lower some of its functions leading to increased risk of illness. As many people experience body pains, we want to take a look into the aging process of our bons & joints and what can we do to preserve them so we can have a long and active life. Dr. Samih Tarabichi, Internationally renowned Orthopedic Surgeon at Al Zahra Hospital Dubai, has performed over 30, 000 joint surgeries and gives us his expert advice on how to keep our joints in the best condition possible.


1 – Stay in Motion
Known as the golden rule for maintaining healthy joints, regular low impact exercise is very important in achieving your goals. Whether regularly walking, cycling or light jogging, you need to make sure movement is part of your everyday “to do” list.

2 – You are What you Eat
Although highly underrated, diet has a massive impact on our overall health include that our bones and joints. There are certain types of food that are high in beneficial vitamins and minerals to support bone and joint health. Such foods include oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna are all excellent sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, which can contribute to healthy joints. Foods rich in calcium and magnesium are also very important when it comes to bones.

3 – Strengthen Muscle
Muscles support our bones and joints in the right position allowing us to move without causing damage. Strengthening your muscles through the right exercise will in turn support your bone and joint structures.

4 – Strengthen Your Core
If you tend to ignore the muscles in your abdomen, back, and hips when you strengthen, you’re missing out. Having a strong core helps you to balance, which will decrease your likelihood of slips and falls. Pilates, yoga & mat exercises can help you to build that core.

5 – Joint Friendly Exercise
Not all exercise is good exercise when it comes to your joints. High impact sports or workouts can put tremendous pressure on your joints which can lead to injuries or long term damage. Choose low impact exercises that support your joint health in the long run.

6 – Hydration
Synovial fluid, which is the fluid found in your joints, cushions the joints and cartilage surrounding them. Water is the major component of synovial fluid, helping your joint stay lubricated, preventing damaging friction that causes pain and inflammation.

7 – Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation is one of the main courses of pain in the body. Inflammation can be reduced through diet and excursive or in acute cases through anti-inflammatory medication.

8 – Healthy Posture
Good posture helps to protect all the joints in your body, from your neck all the way to your ankles. If sitting for long periods of time causes your posture to become worse, stand up and take a walk every hour or so.

9 – Up your Vitamin D and Calcium Intake
Calcium & Vitamin D are vital for strong & healthy bones. You can either ensure your diet contains plenty of calcium while you get enough exposure to the sun or make sure you supplement!

10 – Increase your range of motion
Range of motion is how far your joints can move in different directions. The wider the range of motion, the less likely you are to have to joint related injuries.

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