Beat the Scorching Heat this Summer!

The scorching UAE summer is here with temperatures as high as ever and humidity levels hitting the roof High temperatures can be exhausting for the body as our bodies will use their energy to try and stabilize our body temperature leaving us tired and dehydrated nbsp Here are 6 tips

Beat the Scorching Heat this Summer!

The scorching UAE summer is here, with temperatures as high as ever and humidity levels hitting the roof. High temperatures can be exhausting for the body as our bodies will use their energy to try and stabilize our body temperature leaving us tired and dehydrated.


Here are 6 tips to keep you in top shape this summer:

Hydrate & Rehydrate
This is probably the most important part. Water is the most important factor that keeps our bodies functioning in optimal condition while preventing dehydration. As the heat goes up, it results in excessive sweating, which also reduces energy levels and electrolytes from your body. This happens if you spend time outdoors, working, going to the beach or exercising. Sip on flavored water by adding in mineral rich fruits like watermelon, lemon, kiwi etc.

Eat Regularly, Eat Light
High heat can take away your appetite. It is however important that we maintain our energy levels and our nutrients replenished. Make sure you eat often and take in plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid heat generating foods like meat, eggs and other proteins, and even salt intake.

Wear Light Clothing
In excessive heat our bodies generate excessive sweat to try and bring down the body temperature. It is important to support this process by wearing light clothing. Furthermore, wearing light cotton will absorb the body sweat in a clean manner, minimizing the production of odor causing bacteria.

Stay Away from Direct AC
In the UAE we are blessed with optimal Air Conditioning. In extreme conditions such as summer we tend to pump up that AC at our offices and at home, which can often lead to sinusitis, blocked nose, irritated eyes, allergies and more. Try to stay away from the direct trajectory of air blowing from the AC.

Do Not Exercise Outdoors
Summer in the UAE is not the time to go running outside. The extreme heat can lead to fast dehydration and heat stroke, which can result in serious symptoms. Exercise in a well cooled environment to prevent exhaustion.

Be careful of extreme temperature shifts
The hotter it gets outside the higher up we turn our ACs. Stepping out from a freezing cold room into 45 Celsius weather can cause us to experience cold symptoms including sneezing, cough, body pains and more. Make sure you do not step in and out of extreme temperatures frequently throughout the day!

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