Heart Attack patient undergoes rare lifesaving procedure usually used for dissolving Kidney Stones

A sixty eight year old Indian man undergoes rare life saving procedure after 90 arterial calcified blockage Intravascular lithotripsy opens the door for some difficult heart cases with a safer device as compared to other artery drilling services in the UAE Dubai September 2020 A 68 year old Indian man

Heart Attack patient undergoes rare lifesaving procedure usually used for dissolving Kidney Stones

  • A sixty-eight-year-old Indian man undergoes rare life saving procedure after 90% arterial calcified blockage
  • Intravascular lithotripsy opens the door for some difficult heart cases with a safer device as compared to other artery drilling services in the UAE

Dubai – September 2020 – A 68-year-old Indian man suffered a severe heart attack on early this September.  After being rushed to a nearby hospital, the doctors discovered a 90% arterial blockage and recommended coronary bypass surgery.  However due to his comorbidities the doctors declined angioplasty as deemed too risky in their opinion.

The patient was transferred to Al Zahra Hospital Dubai where the Cardiology team assess the patient and concluded that he can be managed equally well without   bypass surgery.

“I was not mentally ready to go for a bypass surgery especially after the doctors informed me of the risks associated with my condition.  I also knew that if something was not done urgently, I would have not survived. I am grateful to the doctors and everything they have done for me. I owe them my life” – Mr. Jayseena

In an attempt to save his life, the Interventional Cardiology team at Al Zahra Hospital Dubai performed a procedure called Lithotripsy, a time-tested technique for kidney stones in practice for more than 3 decades.   A modified miniaturized delivery system mounted in a coronary balloon catheter is available in UAE, after trials in the west.  Dr. Rajeev Lochan, Dr. Behrad Elahi and Dr. Sherif Amer, leading Cardiologists at Al Zahra Hospital Dubai, performed this procedure using a catheter for opening a 3 cm long calcified severe block/narrowing in heart artery successfully.  Intra Vascular Lithotripsy (IVL) shockwave therapy cracked open the calcification solid like a rock, making a way a long stent.  Further testing like Echocardiograms confirmed no damage to heart functioning post procedure.

“This novel technique not used very often, was painless, the patient was fully awake communicating with the medical staff around him, while a catheter was inserted in his heart arteries and shockwaves are used to break the calcifications. We had a complete team of cardiology experts assist this procedure from nurses to doctors and technicians all holding significant cardiology training and experience.”

Mr. Jayseena had recovered quickly.  He felt comfortable enough to go out same day, but he was kept for monitoring and observation for 2 days and then discharged. His family and he were relieved of stress of going through major heart surgery. 

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